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“Altan namar 2023” expanded trade of vegetables launched in 23 locations

“Altan namar 2023” expanded trade of vegetables launched in 23 locations

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on August 29. To increase the

Ninety-nine households evacuated from flood risk areas

Ninety-nine households evacuated from flood risk areas

The Governor of the capital has issued an order to demolish 2,355 garages in 132 locations this

Preparations for winter at 84.6 percent

Preparations for winter at 84.6 percent

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on August 29. In the previous

Ulaanbaatar to cooperate with the call center of Seoul

Ulaanbaatar to cooperate with the call center of Seoul

The Head of the Governor’s Office of the Capital city I.Baatarkhuu met with the

The safety of 74 schools and 110 kindergartens ensured

The safety of 74 schools and 110 kindergartens ensured

The issue of ensuring the implementation of laws, norms, rules and standards to create a

Draft procedure for the approval and implementation of City Standards being developed

Draft procedure for the approval and implementation of City Standards being developed

After 27 years, Law on the Legal Status of the Capital City was approved, which created the

About 35.8 thousand students to enroll in the first grade in the capital city

About 35.8 thousand students to enroll in the first grade in the capital city

The meeting of the council of Governor of the capital city, chaired by First Deputy Governor in

Local protection of Selbe and Dund river protection zones to be discussed by Citizens’ Representative Khural

Local protection of Selbe and Dund river protection zones to be discussed by Citizens’ Representative Khural

The meeting of the council of Governor of the capital city, chaired by First Deputy Governor in

Ulaanbaatar to cooperate with Daehan Consultants in the field of urban planning

Ulaanbaatar to cooperate with Daehan Consultants in the field of urban planning

Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar and Minister and Chairman

Opening ceremony of “Ulaanbaatar 2023” East Asian Youth Games held

The East Asian Youth Games /EAYG/ is being held in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, on

Ulaanbaatar and Seoul to cooperate in the direction of empowering human resources

Ulaanbaatar and Seoul to cooperate in the direction of empowering human resources

Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar met with the

Development of tourism areas around the city necessary

Development of tourism areas around the city necessary

The 2nd session of the National Tourism Development Committee has been held. During the

Ghostwriter Dissertation