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Governor of the Capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Kh.Nyambaatar gave the following tasks

Governor of the Capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Kh.Nyambaatar gave the following tasks

At the end of the regular meeting of the capital city authorities on February 5, Governor of

Conclusive report on the buildings affected by the explosion to be issued by March 15

Conclusive report on the buildings affected by the explosion to be issued by March 15

Regarding the progress of the report on whether the buildings affected by the explosion in the

Spring floods at high probability

Spring floods at high probability

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on February 5 and led by Governor of

The Operative team of the Emergency Commission of the Capital city working at the accident site

The Operative team of the Emergency Commission of the Capital city working at the accident site

The Emergency Commission of the Capital city gave information regarding the accident that occurred

“Ulaanbaatar Winter Festival” to be organized

“Ulaanbaatar Winter Festival” to be organized

Ulaanbaatar City Tourism Department and "Sky Resort" LLC are going to jointly

Route information at bus stations to be updated

Route information at bus stations to be updated

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on January 15 and led by Governor of

“Eagle Festival”

“Eagle Festival”

In 2010, the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity officially registered the



Location: Sky Resort Ski Complex, Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex Date:

Use of stoves and fuel eliminated by using renewable energy

Use of stoves and fuel eliminated by using renewable energy

In cooperation with the UNDP, Asia Foundation, “URECA” LLC, and "GerHub "

Kh.Nyambaatar: The ultimate solution to reducing air and environmental pollution in Ulaanbaatar is to provide housing to ger areas

Kh.Nyambaatar: The ultimate solution to reducing air and environmental pollution in Ulaanbaatar is to provide housing to ger areas

Prime Minister of Mongolia L.Oyun-Erdene, Governor of the Capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar

Law on Reducing Traffic Congestion in Ulaanbaatar City and Providing Housing to Ger Areas approved

Law on Reducing Traffic Congestion in Ulaanbaatar City and Providing Housing to Ger Areas approved

At the plenary session of the State Great Khural, the Draft Law on Reducing Traffic Congestion

Ulaanbaatar to cooperate with UNDP to increase the use of renewable energy

Ulaanbaatar to cooperate with UNDP to increase the use of renewable energy

Deputy Governor in charge of the Social Sector, Green Development, and Air and Environmental

Ghostwriter Dissertation