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Property worth 300 million MNT protected from fire

Property worth 300 million MNT protected from fire

Head of the Emergency Management Department of the Capital city A.Dashnyam: -Between

Feasibility study for the leather zone being developed

Feasibility study for the leather zone being developed

Executive Director of "Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park" JSC B.Myagmar: -The development

Trees to be planted in the ger areas

Trees to be planted in the ger areas

General Manager of Ulaanbaatar city and Head of the Mayor’s Office M.Bayaraa informed the

Urban micro-parks established in 16 locations

Urban micro-parks established in 16 locations

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on September 12. In the previous

Works being carried out to increase the quality of public transport

Works being carried out to increase the quality of public transport

The first lane of Yarmag road has been separated for public transport. As a result, the average

Japanese cultural festival to be held

Japanese cultural festival to be held

The Governor's Office of the Capital city, Ulaanbaatar city Tourism Department, the Embassy

Cooperation agreement signed with underwriters to issue Ulaanbaatar city bonds

Cooperation agreement signed with underwriters to issue Ulaanbaatar city bonds

The city of Ulaanbaatar has received permission from the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of

Five public utility works being transferred to the private sector in stages

Five public utility works being transferred to the private sector in stages

It is planned to reach 70 percent of public utility works and services to be performed by the

Access to public transportation to be increased and attention on thorough cleaning and disinfection to be paid

Access to public transportation to be increased and attention on thorough cleaning and disinfection to be paid

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on September 5 in Baganuur district.

Ulaanbaatar received permission to issue bonds

Ulaanbaatar received permission to issue bonds

In accordance with the Law on the Legal Status of the Capital City, the Law on Debt Management,

The draft Development Plan of Ulaanbaatar for 2024 submitted to the Citizens’ Representative Khural

The draft Development Plan of Ulaanbaatar for 2024 submitted to the Citizens’ Representative Khural

On September 1, First Deputy Governor in charge of Economy and Infrastructure J.Sandagsuren

IHAA World Championship to be held in Ulaanbaatar

IHAA World Championship to be held in Ulaanbaatar

The Ministry of Culture, Ulaanbaatar city Tourism Department, and Mongolian Horseback Archers

Ghostwriter Dissertation