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Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2023/09/21-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.

Ulaanbaatar to cooperate with Tianjin in the development of satellite cities and special economic zones

Governor of the Capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar worked on an official appointment in Tianjin, China last February. Within the framework of the appointment, two cities agreed to cooperate in many fields. In particular, it was agreed to introduce smart solutions of the smart city and eco-city concept jointly implemented by China-Singapore in the Buyant-Ukhaa area of the new settlement. On September 21, a memorandum of cooperation was signed during Ulaanbaatar Tianjin Trade and Investment Forum.

Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation, there will be opportunities to cooperate with foreign experts and researchers in the direction of creating and developing satellite cities and special economic zones, introducing new technical and technological experiences internally, and empowering the human resources of the organization.

Tianjin is developing a smart district based on smart technology, and the daily life problems of 400,000 households in the district's 31 neighborhoods are handled by a cloud-based management system. In addition, the introduction of driverless public transport services and smart traffic lights has reduced traffic congestion by 20 percent and duration of the traffic congestion by 20-30 minutes. For example, smart traffic lights use advanced technology to adjust the red, green, and yellow lights for a few minutes or seconds depending on the road traffic.


Cooperation between Ulaanbaatar and Tianjin to be expanded
Ulaanbaatar-Tianjin Trade and Investment Forum held
Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2023/09/21-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.
  1. Заклятие. Зло внутри / Оно живёт внутри

    Заклятие. Зло внутри / Оно живёт внутри

  2. Черный лебедь. Тайна / Скрытое воздействие

    Черный лебедь. Тайна / Скрытое воздействие

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