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Ulaanbaatar City Development Corporation to cooperate with companies of Chongqing, China

Ulaanbaatar City Development Corporation to cooperate with companies of Chongqing, China

The city of Ulaanbaatar intends to expand investment and economic cooperation with Chongqing,

Views exchanged on disaster risk reduction and prevention

Views exchanged on disaster risk reduction and prevention

Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar met with UN Resident

Construction of Tolgoit and Dambadarjaa sub-centers running at 35 percent

Construction of Tolgoit and Dambadarjaa sub-centers running at 35 percent

Board members of the Asian Development Bank got acquainted with the Bayankhoshuu sub-center,

Registration for the “UB Marathon 2023” international marathon begins

Registration for the “UB Marathon 2023” international marathon begins

Since 2014, the international marathon "UB Marathon" has been organized to develop

Mayor of Anan, Tokushima awarded with “Badge of Honor” of the capital city

Mayor of Anan, Tokushima awarded with “Badge of Honor” of the capital city

Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar met with the

Ger areas around the Doloon Buudal, Chingeltei Avenue to be redeveloped

Ger areas around the Doloon Buudal, Chingeltei Avenue to be redeveloped

The meeting of the council of Governor of the capital city was held on May 4. At the meeting,

Views exchanged on new projects to be implemented

Views exchanged on new projects to be implemented

Head of the Governor's Office of the Capital City I.Baatarkhuu met with Resident

Crime prevention in the school environment to be intensified

Crime prevention in the school environment to be intensified

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities led by Governor of the capital city and Mayor

Mayor met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia

Mayor met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Mongolia

Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar met with the

The Korean historical series to be shot in Mongolia

The Korean historical series to be shot in Mongolia

Deputy Governor in charge of the Social Sector, Green Development, and Air and Environmental

Mayor met with the U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia

Mayor met with the U.S. Ambassador to Mongolia

Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar met with Ambassador

Construction built in 156 hectares of land within the Selbe sub-center

Construction built in 156 hectares of land within the Selbe sub-center

Six sub-centers are being established within the framework of the program for the development

Ghostwriter Dissertation