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G.Gankhuu: Rising costs of construction material and currency restrictions reflected negatively in the construction industry

G.Gankhuu: Rising costs of construction material and currency restrictions reflected negatively in the construction industry

We interviewed Head of Housing Policy Department of the capital city G.Gankhuu regarding the

Present and future of ger area redevelopment

Present and future of ger area redevelopment

For Ulaanbaatar city, where more than 60 percent of the population lives in ger areas,

Chief Architect of the Capital City holds meeting with citizens

Chief Architect of the Capital City holds meeting with citizens

Governor of the capital city and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar approved the schedule for

2000 trees planted on public tree planting day

2000 trees planted on public tree planting day

The public tree planting day took place at the National Park on May 7. During the event which

Ulaanbaatar Mayor issues order to support street food businesses

Ulaanbaatar Mayor issues order to support street food businesses

Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar received the

First closure of Ger Area Redevelopment Project takes place

First closure of Ger Area Redevelopment Project takes place

Since the Ger Area Redevelopment Project was launched in 2010, 11,755 apartments have been

Nationwide medical checkups being organized by 49 health organizations

Nationwide medical checkups being organized by 49 health organizations

A regular meeting of the capital city authorities was held on May 2. Landscaping and

38.7 percent of students attend non-district schools

38.7 percent of students attend non-district schools

At the beginning of the Capital City Governor’s Council meeting, Deputy Governor of

Model green townhouse commissioned in ger district

Model green townhouse commissioned in ger district

The Ulaanbaatar Housing Corporation, the GIZ, and Hybrid House LLC are jointly implementing an

591 new buses to be acquired for public transportation

591 new buses to be acquired for public transportation

During the Governor’s Council meeting dated April 14, First Deputy Governor of

B. Davaasuren: LRT is a key solution to reduce traffic congestion

B. Davaasuren: LRT is a key solution to reduce traffic congestion

We had an interview with consultant economist, leader of the research team to develop a

17 hectares of land to be registered for public use

17 hectares of land to be registered for public use

Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar in charge of Construction, Housing, Industry, and Technology Park

Ghostwriter Dissertation