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Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2022/06/22-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.

Intensification of landscaping works to be carried out in cooperation with private sector

Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar D.Sumiyabazar held a meeting with Executive Director of JCDecaux Mongolia LLC Jean Come Lanfranchi.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Mayor emphasized that the revised Law on Legal Status of Ulaanbaatar City entered into force on January 1, 2022, which enabled the city to independently finance major projects and programs. “The capital city authorities are also paying special attention to make sure the landscaping works in the capital city are efficient and effective, and committed to creating a healthy and safe environment for the citizens. Intensification of landscaping works will be carried out in cooperation with the private sector” he added.

Executive Director of JCDecaux Mongolia LLC Jean Come Lanfranchi pointed out that there is a broad opportunity to introduce modern solutions through the construction of street facilities and bus stations in Ulaanbaatar.

At the end of their meeting, the sides agreed to study solutions suitable for the capital city.

JCDecaux is the world’s largest Out-of-Home advertising company, reaching relevant audiences in over 80 countries. The company is responsible for the daily maintenance and cleaning of 210 bus stops and street information facilities in Ulaanbaatar, making contributions to the positive appearance and landscaping of the city, as well as ensuring the comfort of citizens and tourists.


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Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2022/06/22-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.
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