Choijin Lama Temple Museum has been selected from 250 sites as one of the 25 sites of the 2020 World Monuments Watch, a list of highly significant threatened places biennially published by the World Monuments Fund (WMF). The heritage thus became eligible to take a portion of the total USD 1.6 million fund provided by American Express, WMF’s partner, Stavros Niarchos Foundation and the Ford Foundation, for conservation projects.
U.S. conservator Steven Kelly inspected the museum this year and is currently providing support in designing a master plan for the conservation of the site. WMF brought the site to international attention and offered technical assistance for these efforts.
The temple, an architectural masterpiece, was built between 1904 and 1908 for the eighth Javzandamba Khutagt’s younger brother Choijin lama (oracle) Luvsankhaidav and was later converted into a Museum of Religious History in 1942./Montsame/