If you love winter and don't mind if there's not too much snow, then this is a good time to visit Mongolia. Wood ,dung and / or coal are stockpiled so gers can stay warm during the Winter months The sky is full of stars on crisp Winter evenings. Ulaanbaatar becomes decorated with colourful Chrismas and New year lights and is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the country. There are a number of interesting events worthmarling on your calendar-such as ice anklebone shooting , the Ulaanbaatar Winter Festival, Camel Polo , the ice Festival at Khuvshgul lake, and an international skating competition. Each festival differs, yet each of them offers traditional games and various activities including a Mongolian national costume fashion show, contests firework, rituals, traditional ceremonies, and a cheerful atmosphere that chases away the chill of the winter.