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Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2022/09/15-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.

National book festival to be held on September 16-18

Themed under the motto ‘Let’s Read More', the 32nd National Book Festival will be held under the auspices of Chairman of the State Great Khural G.Zandanshatar at the Sukhbaatar Square from September 16 to 18. The Book festival is celebrated twice a year under the decree of the President of Mongolia and Minister of Culture to promote book publication and encourage public to read.

The opening ceremony of the National Book Festival will be held at the central square in Ulaanbaatar on September 16 at 1 p.m., and at the central squares of 21 aimags across the country at the same time. More than 150 entities, 250 publishers, writers, poets, and artists will participate in Book Festival in the capital city. Moreover, newly printed books and pamphlets, and rare books exhibitions will be displayed to the public.


More than 70 foreign entities to participate in Ulaanbaatar Partnership International Trade fair
Proposals submitted by khoroos and districts to be included in 2023 budget draft
Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2022/09/15-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.
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