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Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2022/07/07-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.

Relevant professionals instructed to prevent disasters during Naadam

Head of the Emergency Commission of the Capital city D.Sumiyabazar instructed the following duties to the disaster protection department and professional units to prevent, and prepare for possible disasters in the territory of the capital city on the days of the Naadam festival.

It includes:

• To ensure the preparation and readiness of the disaster prevention department and professional units, to appoint responsible patrols and guards to supervise the activities of the organization 24 hours a day;

• Responsible patrols assigned to contact the Operation Control Center and the relevant management of the capital city every 2 hours to deliver news and information promptly;

• Designate forces to prevent possible floods and ensure preparation and readiness;

• To distribute warning news to the public through media about ensuring safety while traveling along the Tuul, Terelj, and Kherlen Rivers during the festival days;

• Members of the Emergency Commission and Heads of relevant departments are to promptly deliver information signals, keep relevant telephone lines open, appoint substitute officials in case of leaving the city, ensure the organization's readiness, and organize work to prevent potentially dangerous phenomena and accidents at the industry level;

• In the event of a potential disaster, coordinate the activities of the Disaster Prevention Office and the Professional Division, provide professional management, receive complaints and suggestions from citizens, and promptly resolve them;

• Under the main functions of the disaster protection service, an emergency group was appointed to provide emergency services and provide special duties on July 10-17, 2022, to ensure the preparation and readiness of forces.


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Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2022/07/07-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.
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