In the area of the 15th khoroo, Bayanzurkh district, at the base of the burnt "East" center, there used to be a prison – "Bat Tsagaan" during the Qing dynasty. Many men who fought for the country were imprisoned there. In the late 1950s, the prison ceased operations and became a dermatic hospital. It was operated as a hospital until the 1990s, when the building was demolished due to deterioration.
“East” trade and service center was built after the demolition. However, since the fire broke out in January 2011, it has not been operated and the building has remained the same. In this regard, the Mayor proposed to register this place, where the patriots sacrificed their lives for the independence, as public land, and turn it into a park. The issue was discussed with the land owner. State award-winning historian, Dr. D.Ulziibaatar and Director of the Chinggis Khaan Museum Dr. Prof. S.Chuluun expressed their support for the Mayor's initiative.
There is several crime and violations registered in the area, and many complaints and suggestions come from citizens about the building, which negatively affects the appearance of the city.
Mayor D.Sumiyabazar instructed the Bayanzurkh District Governor to receive suggestions from citizens on the issue of landscaping.
Initiative taken to build park on site of burnt-out “East” center [url=]uqxgfqygvs[/url] <a href="">aqxgfqygvs</a> qxgfqygvs
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