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Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2021/11/29-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.

The Choijin Lama Temple Museum

The Choijin Lama Temple Museum presents a fascinating showcase of religious objects of Choijin Lama Luvsankhaidav, who was the state oracle of Mongolia in the early 20th century. The museum contains five temples which are each uniquely decorated to reflect their original designs. In the early 1900s, between 1904 and 1908, the architectural, sculptural, and painting assembly complex, the Temple of Choijin Lama, was built in dedication to Governor Choijin Luvsankhaidav. The layout, designed and administrated by craftsman Lama Ombyn of Khuree, embodied the artistic minds and skills of approximately 300 of Mongolia’s finest craftsmen gathered from every province of the nation. The temple, also popularly known among devotees as the “Temple of Governor Choijin Luvsankhaidav” and “Secret Tantric Temple”, included 50 conferential monks, 5 temples, and 3 Jasaa. It actively operated until the 1937 communist purge, when the temple was sealed and its monks were disseminated. However, it was not demolished. At the time, the state was run by Governor H.Choibalsan, as he was a young, ambitious learner of Buddhist studies. It is said that the last Choijin Temple of the state was not disrupted due to the governor’s preparation to become a Choijin Lama. Although it was only a rumor of speculation, nomads believe in the historical account. In this museum you can find valuable idiosyncratic creations of Mongolian history, religion, culture, architecture, and artistic vision and skill, customary research and restoration. If you decide to visit Choijin Lama temple museum during cold winter times, be sure to dress warmly. There is no heating system in the buildings throughout the four seasons. The temperature is controlled according to the cold climate to preserve the precious creations of long ago. If you consider coming on this journey to the land of nomadic religion, we promise you will experience works of art and unravel secrets at this magical place. Apart from experiencing the mounted displays in natural light during summer, you will have the honor of enjoying an exquisite ethnic concert and night special exhibition events between June to August as well.
Bogd Khan Winter Palace Museum
Gandantegchilen Monastery
Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2021/11/29-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.
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