‘Deeltei Mongol Festival’ which aims at promoting Mongolian traditional culture, particularly, the nation's ethnic clothing, possessions, and tangible and intangible heritage of folk arts, increasing youth participation, and developing tourism products and services is to be held at Sukhbaatar Square on July 10.
During the festival, numerous interesting events such as parades of people, organizations and tourism sector’s staff with deel (Mongolia’s traditional clothing), art performances, selection of top participants, Mongolian customs and tradition town activities and fair of national clothing producers.
The capital city districts will host Mongolian Customs and Tradition Town activities, where they promote Mongolian life, customs, folk arts, culture, games and calligraphy in special gers.
Энэ мэдээ хуучирсан буюу 2021/12/17-нд нийтлэгдсэн мэдээ болно.